Thursday, January 3, 2013

A year gone by and a year brought in

The first week of a new year forces one to sit back and reflect on the year that has gone by. It is usually an interesting exercise because sometimes your memory throws back very random moments which you seriously forgot existed.

This year I had the privilege of going through this process in one of my favourite holiday destinations. The place made it an even more interesting reflection. And for a change the reminiscing happened in small dozes at very very interesting junctures of my new year trip.

To sum it up this year has been duality personified. I have had myself divided into 2 parts both of which have gone in 2 entirely different directions. And it has taken me better part of the year to try and at least bring them close enough to become two banks of a river hoping to meet at a delta or where it meets the sea. But this  duality is not what this post is about. This is just to set the context. This post is about my New year trip , the most memorable moments and how the 4 days intertwined themselves with my year that has gone by and seamlessly transported me into a new year with hopefully new beginnings and new experiences and new memories.

The most beautiful part of the trip was to be able to breathe in the open air of experience the twisted roads with glimpses of the sea at different feel your hair full of the lightness of have the blast of Goa sun.......and even with honks and traffic noises be able to surround myself with the peace that Goa fills you up with. And in these moments something within me forced me to think about the year which has gone by and what do I want to take out from it or what do I want to discard as just a bad experience and move on. The most amazing part of it was that everything that came back to me was only mine - with no one else in it - only me. It truly took me by surprise.

The other big realization during this trip was my ability to multitask. And this time it was quite impressive. I could have a conversation with myself while being fully involved in a group of 11 people. It was almost as if I was 2 people - 1 having immense amount of fun with this crazy fun bunch of people and the 2nd one talking to herself all the time. It was a bit freaky considering my ability to introspect has always been very limited. And for me both set of conversations are absolutely vivid and clear - though at that time one of them (whichever required less wit) would reach my ears only like a badly tuned radio playing somewhere in the background.

And then the most amazing thing happened to me at this beautiful beach.........while clicking the last sunset of 2012 suddenly something magical happened - I felt everything within me which fueled negativity and angst and sadness just float out of just left me like a vapour and I felt it happening. And thus I said bye to the year that has gone by............

and somewhere in the next 7 hours, in between grooving to fully dhinchak music, laughing at every little joke, saying happy new yr to old and new friends, I brought in 2013

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